Video: Rock On The Range Tribute To Chris Cornell

Video: Rock On The Range Tribute To Chris Cornell

On May 19th, we kept our plans to attend Rock On The Range in Columbus, OH so we could be with friends and Knights for the weekend.  The festival put together a tribute to Chris Cornell that we [at least attempted to] record, with the initial intention to post right after the show, but the whole thing ended up being a bit much and we decided we couldn't really go through our clips to post anything. 

We went over everything today [August 4th] and decided to post a few clips from the tribute, if just a tad bit late...

[Use the menu at the top left of the YouTube player to choose a video clip]

Tom Morello's Poem For Chris

Tom Morello's Poem For Chris

Article: Remembering Chris Cornell When He Was On The Brink Of Soundgarden Dropping 1991's Badmotorfinger

Article: Remembering Chris Cornell When He Was On The Brink Of Soundgarden Dropping 1991's Badmotorfinger